Tsiklauri Khatuna
Contemporary development of teacher education and competence

 I’ve been working as a teacher for  3 years  and I have a  status of the chief teacher. Teaching  gives me a platform to share my  passion and   share my  knowledge and attention with my  students - influence who and what they become – not only in the professional realm, but also personally. For some of the children who enter my classroom, I may be the only one who believes in them and encourages them to do their best. In this way, I can change a child's life for the better, each and every day.   As a teacher, I also have opportunity to influence the future of the field of education.


Discuss   issues and challenges of contemporary development of teacher education and competence. Find solutions  to these challenges. Identify strategies that works well. Share ideas and keep each other up to date on new developments both by locally and in the international world of teaching.


I will work alongside many qualified educators. By fostering environment of creativity, professionalism and sharing, I will have the opportunity to be part of a vibrant learning community.