Jacinto Alberto Pequenino
Analysis of Complexity in the Learning Process as Key Element in Academic Performance

Professor of Philosophy at Gwaza Muthini Secondary School, Morale Cívicana Sagrada Família Community School and Professor at the Higher Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Gwaza Muthinide Maracuene


News & Events

2018: Civic Moral Education. Fundamentals for a life with oneself and with others. Paulinas
2017: Didactic manuals of Moral Civic Education for secondary education-Ghisalba Italy
2017: For an education that liberates: A superficial look at the educational process at the present time. Free article
2016: The True Champion. Ghisalba Graphics-Italy




2017: Training Seminar for Secondary School Teachers
2017 I Symposium on Education with the theme "The Role of the School in the Promotion of Moral Values, Cultural Civics" - Maracuene;
2018: Seminar on the Scientific Research Methodology guided by UNINI in partnership with FUNIBER Mozambique, which was based in Maputo.
2018: II Symposium on Education with the theme: "The Role of Philosophy in the Formation of Man. A Bridge to the Future "- Maracuene;
2018. He presented a communication in the Philosophical Week in Maracuene with the theme: Twenty Years of Philosophy in the Mozambican Schools. Breakthroughs. Maracuene.


2010: International Education Symposium on the theme. Values ••and Education-Peabiru, Brazil.


It is my intention, from this presentation to analyze with deep complexities that exist in the learning process and that directly interfere in Academic performance. Complexity in the learning process opens up space for reflecting which radically influence the learning process and which have consequences on academic performance. I also intend to problematize some points that are all, as key elements for academic failure, element that should be critically analyzed of the ereflected.


Keywords: Learning process, Academic Performance


 Exchange experiences with teachers from other countries
 Look for learners who can galvanize the development of
education in Mozambique;
 Collect ideas and opinions that help me to develop as an Education professional.