Driton Shala
I would gladly share our form of training that we offer and provide to our students, way of assessment, lectures, materials online and platforms

key teaching competences- Ability to interact with students, identify student needs, collaborate, use measurable methods to deliver quality teaching like using physical labs apart from virtual, assessment how they have come up with solution to the problem, did they learn from experience or from the book, documenting it with facts and so on.

- teaching experience, incl. pupils groups (age, educational system level), key subjects, workplaces previous to current- Students are from age 13 up to 55 both males and females, mainly from 18 to 26 years old. Education systems we deliver is through online learning platform like cisco networking academy and Microsoft learning platform. Key concepts are mainly Technology, networking, network security, Microsoft technologies like servers and desktop also mail systems. Platform has semesters based on the program we offer, which could last from 3 to 12 months. Before we used to have smaller classes with 40 meters per square and that was a small space to deliver best quality. Nowadays we are the second biggest academy in Kosovo and the first academy delivering high quality education training.


Speech regarding teaching methodology being applied in CITECH:

- interactive forms of training

- assessment procedures

- online learning platform


What knowledge, information, skills would you like to obtain from the forum

-Everything that’s helpful to have even better educational results. All aspects of teaching, education cultures and forms