I am a science teacher, I teach deaf student. I like to talk about the following topics :mingling deaf student in society,designing educational videos for deaf student with sign language,he most appropriate methods in deaf teaching.


In 1998, I graduated from Yarmouk University with a bachelor degree in Science Teaching Methods. 

Professional path:

I worked as a science teacher since 1999 in governmental schools.

In 2011, I  started working as a science teacher for deaf students in Alamal School. 

In 2013, I earned  sign laguage interpreter license 

Voluntary work:

I have conducted number of sing teaching courses for new teachers 

I volunteered in different activities of deaf club


I am member of Jordanian Sign Language Interpreter. 

I earned an Individual Membership Certificate in WASLI 

Forums :

I participated in teachers skills forum 2018.


First, use technology in deaf teaching by designing educational videos in sign language besides the national curriculum to facilitate teaching. 

Second, conducting training courses for public institutions to teach sign language to help deaf. 

Finally, help mingling deaf in society by conducting   activities 


Exchange experiences with the elite of teachers from different countries and learn their experiences and their teaching methods especially with students with impaired audio

Learn about success stories

Learn about the latest teaching strategies in general and the most appropriate ways and means to teach students with impaired audio

To learn about the latest technological means used in education and how to integrate them in education to achieve a harmonious education

How to Integrate Students with Hearing Impaired Students with Speakers

Learn about the latest applications and computer programs in education

Identify ways of integrating students into the educational process by giving the

student an active role in the educational process and not just a recipient.