Educational differentiation and adapted pedagogy

I will talk about the linguistic situation in my country, the languages of instruction. In more detail, I will talk about the different methods and approaches that I have taught and then I will mention the one that has helped me a lot in teaching (pedagogical differentiation).
I will also make a comparison of synchrony and diachrony of pedagogy from the 1990s to the present day. At the end of my speech I will cite some personal blogs and educational sites that have inspired me with innovative and creative ideas as well as a feature of a new approach that is being built in my country now.

Abdoulkader Aden Elmi

My name is Abdoulkader Aden Elmi, I am a school teacher in a primary school located in the capital of Djibouti, a country located in the Horn of Africa, neighboring Ethiopia and Somalia. I am currently a teacher and designer of new programs in my country.
I have been a teacher since September 2009, I was awarded the Grand Star of Merit for Education in July 2019 by the Prime Minister of my country. This merit is the fruit of my work as an educator for almost a decade. I am also the president of a charity association called young active from Quartier 7 and also a member of an innovation and digital multimedia cooperative. And under forgetting, I graduated in modern letter master French literature option.

The broadcast is available in recording
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