Professor Kari Stefansson (Iceland): We have to be pleased with how rapidly the knowledge about covid-19 has been gahered (polish below)

We talked to Professor Kari Stefansson, an Icelandic neurologist, founder and CEO of Reykjavik Biopharmaceutical Company deCODE genetics. He is currently actively involved in coronavirus research.

The professor describes how early testing helped Iceland survive the pandemic without total lockdown and border closures.

Kari Stefansson believes for an average person COVID-19 is not a particularly dangerous disease and there is a large percentage of people who remain asymptomatic. More dangerous than the virus itself, according to the professor, is the economic impact of the safety measures. "We are facing the biggest resection since World War II," he said.

The professor hopes that the vaccine and treatment for the virus will be available in a year or earlier.

Kari Stefansson recommends we add exercise, good food, a healthy lifestyle, and thinking crystal clear and beautiful thoughts to the traditional safety measures.