The currency of knowledge

Digitcoin is a teaching method that I use in my school, which the students gladly accepted. As a professor of mathematics at the Secondary Dental School, I had difficulties with motivating students to study mathematics. The method I developed is based on winning coins that they can later invest in some of the prescribed ways. The method develops logic, critical thinking, and most importantly - develops empathy towards friends. You can find more details about this method in the attachment (I used google translate, so don't blame me if there are any errors)

Haris Hamzić
Босния и Герцеговина

I have been working as a professor of mathematics and informatics for more than 10 years. I am currently employed as a math teacher at the Dental High School. COI STEP BY Step in 2016 launched the award for innovative teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina and my method (Digitcoin - Currency of Knowledge) was declared the best method in the category of high schools. I am one of those people who is trying to improve themselves in order to improve the education system and thus provide students with a quality education, an opportunity to acquire new knowledge through play.

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