Sabaheta Ramović
Empathy in the life of teachers (relationships between teachers and students)

Sabaheta Ramovic, MA, teacher of Geography , with the 12 year working experience. I am a school coordinator: Voluntary club , Young eco-reporters, Young geographers. I carry out extracurricular activities once a week, manifestations, projects , public discussions, innovative and examplary classes  and humanitarian activities. At the state competition in Geography I was the mentor to students who won the first prize two times, the second prize once and again, the third prize two times.

 I am a winner of an award which was granted by The Ministry of Education from the Fund for qualities and talents.


I will introduce the present with the teaching strategies in our country and different methods in use  class innovations, critical thinking approach and gruop work method in a class of 30 students.


Gaining new experiences and cooperation, new teaching methods, getting to know new colleagues, interconnected network of teachers, enhanching knowledge.