Marta Maria Porto Silva Frade Torres
Technology-History and Education (T-H.E.). Literacy in school: a virtual museum for the dissemination of the cultural heritage of fishing communities.

Marta Torres– vice-president of the Portuguese History Teachers Association (APH) .In this quality I collaborated in the making of the new History Curriculum (Aprendizagens Essenciais in Portuguese).

History teacher for middle and high school levels;Author of a textbook for middle school levels – this textbook is centred on the work with primary sources and on multiperspective ;Teacher trainer for the Universidade Nova de Lisbioa; Director of APH Teachers Training Centre;PhD researcher of OLO (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) with the following theme:The T-H.E.-Technology, History and Education. Design of a virtual museum as a strategy for valuing the historical and cultural heritage of fishing communities;MARE researcher – Centro de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente


I will present and discuss the results of my PhD research for the co-construction of a virtual museum making use of technologically enriched environments. This museum will be centred on the Fishery Arts, departing from the fishing communities’ formal and informal cultural heritage. It will be a collaborative work between students and their families, coordinated by myself. The main purpose of this project, framed by an intercultural perspective is to give visibility to these fishing communities, invisible to the mainstream.


I expect the exchange of ideas and experiences for a broader understanding of what is happening in the area of ​​curricular innovation, namely in digital technologies and their appliance in History learning.