Massimo Leone
The profile and the role of the teacher in the learning processes and the educational relationship between teachers and students.

Debate coach and judge

Team Italia coach at World Schools debating championship Zagreb 2018;

Team Puglia coach at the Italian national Olympics of debate Rome 2017, Tivoli 2019;

Team Santeramo (Ba) coach at the Regional Selections for Italian Olympics of debate Bari 2017, Santeramo 2019;

Team Santeramo coach at the International debating tournament in Ljutomer 2018 and Copenhagen 2019;

Judge at the Italian National Olympics of Debate Rome 2017, Tivoli 2019, at the Regional Selections form Italian Olympics of debate Rionero (Pz) 2019;

Judge and referee judge at the internal tournaments of IISS P. Sette and Regional Selections Bari 2017, Santeramo 2019.


National Operational Program (PON) of the Ministry of Education, entitled "For the School - competences and environments for learning"

Expert/Teacher - National training courses for teachers aimed at the enhancement of professional skills: 1. ‘Language, literature and culture in the European context’; 2. ‘PQM (Quality and Merit Project)’; 3. Training courses for newly hired teacher.


The experience of debate coaches and thoughts on: the educational relationship between teachers and students as an educational learning environment, the role of adults in building the future of young people.


I would like to deepen and better understand how to build a good school of the future through the comparison of experiences and ideas.